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Aliens in the Valley The complete history of…
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Hacked vs. Hackers: Game On

SAN FRANCISCO — Paul Kocher, one of the country’s leading cryptographers, says he thinks the explanation for the world’s dismal state of digital security may lie in two charts.

One shows the number of airplane deaths per miles flown, which decreased to one-thousandth of what it was in 1945 with the advent of the Federal Aviation Administration in 1958 and stricter security and maintenance protocols. The other, which details the number of new computer security threats, shows the opposite. There has been more than a 10,000-fold increase in the number of new digital threats over the last 12 years.

The problem, Mr. Kocher and security experts reason, is a lack of liability and urgency. The Internet is still largely held together with Band-Aid fixes. Computer security is not well regulated, even as enormous amounts of private, medical and financial data and the nation’s computerized critical infrastructure — oil pipelines, railroad tracks, water treatment facilities and the power grid — move online.


Kainer Weissmann
Kainer Weissmann
Kainer Weissmann, Webentwicklung/Onlinemarketing, Audio-Engineer, Kryptowährungen und Support. Privat Fan von gutem Sound, Essen, Filme & Kampfkunst. Finde mich auf Twitter oder schreibe mir für Anfragen zu Bitcoin oder Webdesign.

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